Harnessing the Benefits of Reiki Alongside Orthodox Medical Practices

Integrating Reiki with orthodox medicine is a topic that resonates deeply with me. When necessary, I’ve always embraced traditional medicine. However, I’ve also always advocated that one should be open-minded enough to explore effective alternative therapies that can aid in one’s healing – alongside traditional Western practices. Fortunately, Reiki is one such modality that can […]
Holistic Healing for Athletes: Exploring the Impact of Reiki Practices

“Trust the process, you do not need to know how it works, only that it does.” (Hazel Butterworth – Date Unknown) There are a multitude of benefits that Reiki can have for us all. Reiki is able to promote healing and rejuvenation in every area and aspect of our lives. As an ancient alternative healing therapy, […]
Exploring the Healing Power of Reiki for Kids

Surprisingly, I’m often asked if Reiki is safe for children. Quite simply, the answer is – YES! Reiki treatments are safe and non-invasive. Children today are dealing with far more anxiety, fears, peer pressures and educational pressures than we ever did when we were children – attributed mostly to social media and high-profile influencers. It […]